Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Case study 1
Based on the scenario, present a problem, options and plan for FK.
1)luka lama berdarah kembali
2)risk of infections
3)weeping wound
4)being bailed on by woof2.
risk factors:
2)early 20s
3)hectic school timetable
4)unpredictable dunedin weather
5)loads of undone laundry
diagnosis: Recurrent haemorrhage
1)minyak gamat
2)minyak angin
3)tiger balm
1)Wound care measures
2)secondary prevention, wear comfortable shoes
3)avoid risk of falling
4)relax, minimise movement
5)remain anti-social for the next 10days
1)Rx: minyak gamat, Side effect: pedih, foul-smelling.Management: Bear with it.
2)Monitoring: Check wound everyday, if no improvement: consult your GP.
3)rest and learn to be a couch potato
4)Tenangkan hati, solat dan baca quran byk2.
Samoa Tsunami
There are reports officials fear up to 100 people have been killed in the 8.3 magnitude earthquake and tsunami waves which struck this morning. The worst hit area is believed to be the southern coast of the island of Upolu."
huhu..subhanallah.berderau jantung pagi tadi bile public have been warned that tsunami might strike east coast of NZ. 1 meter high wave was expected to be observed in dunedin at approximately 1230pm. those in hawkes bay were told to leave work, go home, save their children and belongings before the tsunami strikes. some were anticipating it as if it was somewhat an amusing event.
The samoa island was struck by a 8.3 richter scale eartquake at 6.30ish this morning, immediately followed by a tsunami. the 3m-high tsunami, which was described by the samoans as "monsters" washed away a great number of suvillians and some 50 bodies were reported to be discovered. approximately 100 ppl are expected to be dead.
Being in between two earth plates does take a toll on the pacific island region including NZ. ppl are warned to be ready and take appropriate measures to deal with such devastating catastrophe. Here in Dunedin, I'm thanking Allah for protecting us against any natural disaster today. I'd like to express my condolences to tsunami victims and to families who have lost their loved ones..
Reported exclusively by,
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Blur & blank
"we should give dobutamine to increase the blood circulation to the brain by increasing the the force of contraction of the heart...bla3..fa why are crying?"ujar aniceta.
i wasnt crying. i was yawning til my eyes got watery. and i did not realise it was streaming down my face.apekaaaaaah????
Fateha come on! get up! get back down to earth!uve been up there too long now..i need some motivation.i need a reviver like..mocha...or heaps n heaps of chocolate!
Ya Allah berilah kepada aku semangat supaya aku dpt focus dlm setiap kerjaku. kurniakan kepada aku tenaga dan kekuatan di dalam kelas, di luar kelas, dan dimana saja aku berada..amiin.
Fateha cergas!
Monday, September 21, 2009
came home at 10pm last night. with full tummy, and of course i couldnt bother doing anything else, but slipping away into slumberland...this is life..
Terima kasih ya Allah, atas segala nikmat yg Kau berikan.
for the food on the table, for the wonderful friends &companions,
for the memorable time we had together.



This is priceless.
Fateha feeling blessed.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
my raya iterinary
9:00: Home, layan je sape2 sudi dtg rumah.
11:00: PHCY472, Workshop W11, Group D, Hunter 118/119, Law, Law 5 - (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
1:00: Home, Solat.
2:00: PHCY473, Lecture SP12, Red, Dr Hook, Infections in paediatrics
3:00:PHCY473, Lecture SP13, Red, Dr Medlicott, Liquid dosage forms for paediatrics 1
4:00:PHCY473, Lecture SP14, Colquhoun, Dr McDowell, Liquid dosage forms for paediatrics 2
5:00: Beraya rumah Hanisah&Shamin
Evening: mungkin dah penat lecture banyak sgt, plus gelabah in the morning for the law exit test. so i reckon i'll be in front of the tv, watching one news. or in my comfy bed...wrapped in my cocoon, sleep deeply into the night=)
Kepada yg berpeluang beraya sepanjang hari, hope u guys enjoy yrself and have a great time with family and friends. to those who have to go to work/school like me, dont worry, boleh pakai cantik2 pegi sekolah.va va voooom!
Fateha ingin mengucapkan: Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat seluruh dunia. yang mengenali diri ini, seribu kemaafan dipohon. kot2 ada salah silap, terkasar bahasa, terperli lebih2, tergurau over2, terbahan tak tentu pasal, terkutuk depan2, terngumpat belakang2, tersakitkan hati sengaja atau tidak, itu semua khilaf saya sebagai seorang manusia. Please please please ampunkan saya?=(

1 Syawal 1430
pre-raya speech
anyway i'm not devastated, infact i'm delighted.another day of ramadhan means more barakah. nz are still sterile of syaitan.well at least for the next 24 hours. i'm not ready for syaitan. i'm so not.
spoke to umi, told her that i'm sick. demam for a week already. tibe2 suare umi berubah. as usual, umi mesti sedih kalau aku told her a bad news. nyesal buat umi risau. shouldve told her everything is fine. but obviously my nose is blocked, my throat is itchy and i'm feeling quite light-headed. umi jgn risau ye. nnt kakteh sehat la..teringin sgt nak mkn rendang umi.nak raya dgn umi..
budar ckp umi beli bunga orkid maroon nak letak kat kubur abah. tapi acap semangat letak dlm vase. so there goes bunga untuk abah.xpe boleh beli bunga baru kan?kite decorate kubur abah cantik2..
speaking of abah, masuk thn ni dah 6thn x raya dgn abah.rindu sangat.tgk abah pakai jubah putih, dengan serban putih.pakai minyak atar 'malaikat subuh' favorite abah tu. tasbih dlm poket, jalan pegi surau. lepas balik surau sesi bergambar.ini adalah satu kewajipan. wajib ambek gamba..itu lah abah. every memory is captured..and memories with him stay alive in our mind.
another raya withour my family...and hopefully the last raya without them. looking forward for the next raya where i can be close to them. to my dearest family; UMI, KAKLONG, ANGAH, BUDAR, AISYA, ACAP, ABG SHAH, DANIA, NAFIS, SOFEA: selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin. jgn lupa kat kakteh/makteh yg jauh kat sini.
missing you guys heaps..xoxo
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tempat tertinggi..
come across ayat ni. kinda knock me in the head. tuhan dah beri kepada kita pelbagai nikmat. bersyukur pun tidak, complain lagi tu. worse still, gunakan nikmat pemberian tuhan untuk mengingkariNya. Astaghfirullahalazim.
ya Allah,
peliharalah seluruh anggotaku dari kemungkaran,
peliharalah aku dari kemurkaanMu,
aku takmau jadi bintang ternak itu,
masukkanlah kami semua dalam golongan orang2 yg beriman.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Do not message and massage..

From top clockwise: Husna, Aisya & Fateha
kak azam telah membawa berita gembira kepada aku tadi. she said that kak diha said that kak nurul said that her sister has found my fon!!!!!!!oh yeah..i mean, alhamdulillah..terima kasih ya Allah kerana telah memakbulkan doa aku. i'll keep both eyes on my fon this time.
sehari without fon is not that bad. except that my groupmates couldnt let me know that we were having a meeting at 2.30pm, i couldnt text Ammir to thank him for his beautiful raya card, i couldnt text anyone to ask about next's week school timetable bcos i need to make a doctor appointment within that week, n i couldnt text sadia to be able to locate her. so i made her promise to be at hunter til i come. even if the world come crashing i expect her to be there waiting for me. poor thing.sorry sweetie.
i'm happy that i survived a day without my fon. (gaya2 "i survived a japanese gameshow"). i do not have nomophobia. but living without my mobile phone does turn my life pretty much up side down..mcm mane la org dulu2 xde henfon kan?hmmm..
Fateha happy=)
my dear Sony Ericson..
now i'm fonless. which means there'll be no wake-up alarm in the morning. i need it. god knows how much i need my fon right next to me. its part of my entity. walaupun bunyi alarm to annoying and all my flatmates hate it, i need it more than anything. i even need it more than my.....erm...my....swiss ball? yeah my swiss ball which i like a lot, and inted to keep it forever.
i know if there's no aral, i'll be getting a new fon as a graduation gift by my beloved mother inshallah. but it doesnt mean that i have to lose this one. ive lost one previously which was given by Allahyarham abahku sayang. i definitely do not want to lose this one. it was a birthday gift from my whole family. they planned a huge suprise on me that night and aku sgt2 terharu. true that the fon is replacable but the memory is pricelss. i just need to have this fon back.
Gambar hiasan: sedih leman kena sabotaged oleh pemabuk2 jalanan.
ya Allah, ketemukanlah aku dgn fon aku. supaya aku dapat menjalani hidupku dgn sempurna dengannya. aku tau dgn fon tu jugaklah aku byk melagha dan aku sedar itu. ampunkan aku ya Allah. smoga pertemuan aku dgn fon aku nnt akan motivate aku utk tidak melagha lagi.semoga dengannya aku dpt beramal dan memperoleh redhaMu.
Fateha insafSaturday, September 12, 2009
Bombardment uncle Q.
"hi uncle!!!", ujar aku yg dah lame tak jumpe Uncle Q.
bagus jugak dtg bazaar postgrad ni. at least dpt jugak la berjumpe dgn senior2 yg dah lame kenal or yg baru dtg. uncle Q was one of the closest to me. jumpe sure tegur. tapi hari ni uncle Q lain mcm sket. tegur aku pun kasar.
"lama tak nmpk kau" kata uncle.
"yeke?well..busy sket lately. tapi smlm saye ada je. uncle tak dtg smlm?" i replied.
"smlm lain cite la..tu la ngkorang ni..salu tak dtg gathering"he replied.
"isk, saye salu je dtg, uncle la yg x dtg"i said.
"salu aku dtg je. korang la..RELIGIOUS sgt"he said.
(konon2 org religious anti-social dan melarikan diri dari program2 yg dianjurkan. Padahal that is not the truth)
bagai menusuk2 kalbu ku. menghiris2 jantungku. merentap2 jiwaku. pantang datuk nenek aku..org memperlekeh2kan kepentingan agama. dan paling membakar otak aku, mengutuk org yg memperjuangkan jihad di jalan Allah...
"tak baik tau uncle cakap mcm tu...bagus ape(org2 religious).."aku cuba menahan marah ku.aku kawal nada suaraku. lembut susunan kata2 ku. ppl surrounding us dah mula beransur2 setelah menghidu bombardment dahsyat uncle Q. tapi aku teguh di situ.
"bukan ape..kat msia nnt susah..."uncle Q try nak cover. sambil konon2 check handset padahal aku sure takde incoming text whatsoever. aku yakin die cemas actually. setelah aku bangkit berani mempertahankan org2 religious yg die maksudkan itu..
jelas die cemas, lalu uncle Q tukar topic to which aku layan aje. well aku pun mmg hati kering bak kata kawan2 aku. dalam hati aku menyimpan bara api yg marak sbb emo sgt atas tuduhan mentahnya itu.
selame ni aku respek uncle Q. he's like an uncle i never had. tapi hari ni..aku tak mampu nak nobatkan pangkat uncle keramat yg aku selama ni aku bagi dekat dia. aku tarik balik. sebab aku geram. geram dgn serangan uncle ibarat bedilan israel yg dahsyat itu. tolong jgn ever trigger aku dgn soal2 agama. dan memperkecil2kan program usrah atau kegiatan agama masyarakat dunedin. kalau pun tak boleh join, jgn menghina. tak tau ke dia betapa besarnya darjat org2 yg berjuang di jalan Allah. mereka tidak hina. mereka tidak jijik. mereka adalah mulia di sisi Allah. org mcm uncle Q perlukan petunjuk.
dgn keyakinan dan keimanan yg senipis kulit bawang ni, akan aku perjuangkan agamaMu ya Allah. dan akan aku perangi org yg memerangiMu. Kau ampunkanlah dosa uncle Q dan tunjukkan lah kepadanya jalan yg benar.
" Aku memalingkan orang-orang yang menyombongkan dirinya di muka bumi tanpa alasan yang benar dari tanda-tanda kekuasaaanKu. Mereka jika melihat tiap-tiap ayat, mereka tidak beriman kepadanya. dan jika mereka melihat jalan yang membawa kepada petunjuk mereka tidak mau menempuhnya, tetapi jika mereka melihat jalan kesesatan, mereka terus menempuhnya. yang demikian itu adalah kerana mereka mendustakan ayat-ayat Kami dan mereka selalu lalai daripadanya" 7:146.
Fateha geram.
Sulaiman's brother
just wana share a story. on the way home from ili's tadi ternampak sorang mamat dress up in brown outfit. amazed jugak bcos outfit die ni almost like skin colour gitu. sudahlah body-fitting, so susah nak tell pakaian die. dari jauh aku wonder..baju ape la die pakai??until i drove closer towards the junction, at the same time he was running towards his car by the road side. i took a good look at him, and.............he was running in his brown outfit which apparently turn out to be transparent!! i could not believe my eyes that he was.....clothless!!...i was like...WHAT ON EARTH?????that is absolutely the opposite of cute! there wasnt even a single thread covering his body, and ironically, he was proud of it and laughing like there's no tomorrow.
i did not find him cute,
i did not find it amusing,
i did not want to experience that again,
that was a total eye sore!!!!
ya Allah sucikanlah mataku, dan peliharalah semua pancainderaku dari tercemar dengan perbuatan maksiat.
Amin ya rabbal alamiiin....
Friday, September 11, 2009
Senior assistang wardina..




"pokok pun takde!! tampal kat dinding sudey!" ujar wardina.
ok senyap lalu menggunting bintang dan mendengar arahan wardina..so now bintang dah siap! video dah download! dan kami bersemangat untuk pergi ke club sox dan menyampaikan cerita2 tauladan ini. harap2 takde la bapak2 org yg bertenggek nak dgr cite..segan okay..
arrgghh nak pakai baju ape nih???yg penting aku takmau pakai kasut pulp tu. psycho sakit. kenape la perempuan kena pakai kasut yg amat menyakitkan?aku tak kire..hari ni nak pakai baju kurung dgn kasut converse all star. biarlah tak vogue, asalkan selesa. after all, the only person i want to impress is myself..(gaya mendabik dada..astaghfirullahalazim, jgn sombong fateha...)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
i'm still alive..
taktau la kenape lately aku tidur byk sgt. smlm tido 6ptg smp 6pagi. hari ni balik kelas layan tido lagi til 4pm. tak cukup iron ke? tot aku dah mkn supplement hari2. dlm kelas pun asyik nguap je. nasib la masih bertenaga. n today last workshop dgn anita. siap amek gamba lagi dgn die. pastu nampak mr schmirer. kitorg tangkap die, n amek gamba dgn die gak. die cam cuak. lantak la asalkan aku happy dpt amek gamba dgn die. sure die bajet artis kan? mmg die artis pun. kau lah pujaan aku dr schmirer..semoga berbahagia dgn structure2 ubat ituuu..
speaking of which, makin lama rasa macam makin suke pulak dgn classmate aku. tiap kali pegi wshop rasa have fun je. even with those yg aku berbulu sgt2 time dulu2 pun dah ok skg. or worse come to worse aku ignore je. but alhamdulillah, i mean, how many ppl yg rasa seronok gi sekolah???terima kasih ya Allah kerana kurniakan aku perasaan seronok gi sekolah. now aku rasa sgt sayu, memikirkan graduation yg nak dekat. that means tak lama lagi je aku nak tinggalkan school of pharmacy yg best ni.
oh noi!!!!!!(ni slank kiwi = oh no)