anyway i'm not devastated, infact i'm delighted.another day of ramadhan means more barakah. nz are still sterile of syaitan.well at least for the next 24 hours. i'm not ready for syaitan. i'm so not.
spoke to umi, told her that i'm sick. demam for a week already. tibe2 suare umi berubah. as usual, umi mesti sedih kalau aku told her a bad news. nyesal buat umi risau. shouldve told her everything is fine. but obviously my nose is blocked, my throat is itchy and i'm feeling quite light-headed. umi jgn risau ye. nnt kakteh sehat la..teringin sgt nak mkn rendang umi.nak raya dgn umi..
budar ckp umi beli bunga orkid maroon nak letak kat kubur abah. tapi acap semangat letak dlm vase. so there goes bunga untuk abah.xpe boleh beli bunga baru kan?kite decorate kubur abah cantik2..
speaking of abah, masuk thn ni dah 6thn x raya dgn abah.rindu sangat.tgk abah pakai jubah putih, dengan serban putih.pakai minyak atar 'malaikat subuh' favorite abah tu. tasbih dlm poket, jalan pegi surau. lepas balik surau sesi bergambar.ini adalah satu kewajipan. wajib ambek gamba..itu lah abah. every memory is captured..and memories with him stay alive in our mind.
another raya withour my family...and hopefully the last raya without them. looking forward for the next raya where i can be close to them. to my dearest family; UMI, KAKLONG, ANGAH, BUDAR, AISYA, ACAP, ABG SHAH, DANIA, NAFIS, SOFEA: selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin. jgn lupa kat kakteh/makteh yg jauh kat sini.
missing you guys heaps..xoxo
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