now i'm fonless. which means there'll be no wake-up alarm in the morning. i need it. god knows how much i need my fon right next to me. its part of my entity. walaupun bunyi alarm to annoying and all my flatmates hate it, i need it more than anything. i even need it more than ball? yeah my swiss ball which i like a lot, and inted to keep it forever.
i know if there's no aral, i'll be getting a new fon as a graduation gift by my beloved mother inshallah. but it doesnt mean that i have to lose this one. ive lost one previously which was given by Allahyarham abahku sayang. i definitely do not want to lose this one. it was a birthday gift from my whole family. they planned a huge suprise on me that night and aku sgt2 terharu. true that the fon is replacable but the memory is pricelss. i just need to have this fon back.
Gambar hiasan: sedih leman kena sabotaged oleh pemabuk2 jalanan.
ya Allah, ketemukanlah aku dgn fon aku. supaya aku dapat menjalani hidupku dgn sempurna dengannya. aku tau dgn fon tu jugaklah aku byk melagha dan aku sedar itu. ampunkan aku ya Allah. smoga pertemuan aku dgn fon aku nnt akan motivate aku utk tidak melagha lagi.semoga dengannya aku dpt beramal dan memperoleh redhaMu.
Fateha insaf
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