Tuesday, October 6, 2009

George, Olsens, Bush and Ratatouille.

Update of rats death toll as on 7th of October 2009: 5.

Lima ekor tikus dgn empat tangkapan.

Tikus pertama ditangkap kat dapur, dlm cupboard bawang. tikus tu sihat, i name it, george, sempena nama George st, Main St of Dunedin City Central . George and the gang mmg la sehat2, dah keje membedal beras2 kitorg, sambil meninggalkan habuan2nya tu. yuck! Sekarang kawan2 george dah westernised, apabila kami mendapati bahawa setengah paket spageti kami telah dibedal oleh segerombolan kawan2 george. ampeh~

tikus kedua dan ketiga adalah kembar seiras. yg sama2 diketip kat dlm toilet sebelah KIRI washing machine. besar ibu jari je, they are the olsen's twin. tu la mak dah ckp jgn main jauh2. kan dah kena ketip. kuang2!

tikus yg keempat tertangkap dalam toilet jugak, sebelah KANAN washing machine. bangkai die keras. pjg dlm 2 inci, lebar 2 cm. Nama dia george bush. sengal jugak bush ni. member dah mati nearby, tak amek iktibar langsung. nak jugak dtg kat tempat yg sama. now dah kena ketip, jgn nak salahkan sesape. dasar tikus sengal bedot!

tikus yg kelima (ratatouille)adalah tikus yg paling fresh sekali sbb badan die lembut lagi. still boleh lentur2. tak keras mcm george, olsens twin n bush. Maybe baru sgt die kena ketip. paling ironicnye, die mati kat the exact same spot as bush. this is consistent with my theory that rats are sengal, they have not sense of lessons-learning, hence end up getting themselves caught the same way over and over again. so disebabkan kesengalan ratatouille yg abadi, die dah pun selamat kena flush down the toilet bowl.

Idea peter mmg boleh pakai. btw peter bukan tikus, he is a handyman. die yg suggest calit peanut butter dekat mouse trap. so that the rats couldnt run away with the food. betul jugak, never thought of it.

i wouldnt say tat this is the most effective way of controlling the rats population, but it does its job well..so i'm quite happy.

rats, get on with your lil lives, and stay away from ours.

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