Monday, October 19, 2009

My precious 23rd Birthday..

Yesterday was my birthday!! i'm officially 23 years old now. how fast time flies and how fast the number changes, it's all beyond my control.

Yesterday was an ordinary day, but i felt the love and warmth and the blessings of being the birthday girl=). Thank you Allah for giving these wonderful feelings, for wonderful flatmates who are so thoughtful, caring, loving. For all the wonderful people around me, i feel so happy, i could not ask for more.

ONE LESSON.. one big birthday lesson that i learned yesterday. perhaps that was a birthday gift from my Lord; a valuable tarbiyyah that hopefully will be on my mind for as long as i live. I learned that NOTHING LASTS. not a single thing in this world last forever. Indeed, yesterday, yes on my birthday, was sulaiman's last day of life. Sulaiman, my dearest Honda Integra that has been with me for 3 year, who i cherished a lot more than myself, that i care about so much, for which i abandoned my other loved ones, has gone and never come back. i cant believe that my ride to library couple of days ago was my last moment with leman.

everything happened so fast. i was told that leman was better off taken to wreckers, way before i could comprehend the whole situation. waaaiiiittt a minute mister potato!!! did u just tell me that my car, my beloved car, can no longer function and the only thing i can do is trash it? like what?? like could u pls repeat that???like, like, like..........................................i can hardly catch my breath.

Ya Allah, aku redha akan pemergian Leman. Aku sedar bahawa dalam hidup ini, tiada apa yang sebenar-benarnya milik aku. No matter how hard i try to keep it, WOF it, service it, wash it, vacuum it, rain-X it, petrol it, water-in-radiator it, check-every-weekend it, see-if-there's-any-scratch it, Jika sudah tercatat dalam Luh MahfuzMu, maka kun fayakun....tamatlah riwayat Leman.

Wahai pemilik hatiku, Kau jualah yang berhak keatasku. Dan aku sedar aku pun tidak kekal. Seperti leman, seruanMu terhadapku jugak boleh datang without any warning sign. Maka kau peliharalah hatiku, tetapkanlah hatiku padaMu, dan berilah peringatan kepadaku.


just turned 23,


  1. Oh noy~ Leman sudah tiada?
    Tiada teman utk lulu?
    tiada leman utk kami semua?

    Tapi pasti tuannye lebih sedih..

    Sabar fa,
    Yg pergi tetap pergi..
    insyaAllah bakal diganti with sumthing better..insyaAllah

    Allah knows~

    Boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu padahal ia BAIK bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, namun ia TIDAK BAIK bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui [AlBaqarah:216]

  2. happy birthday.
    sorry about leman.

  3. thnx guys. well, leman takde...tapi lulu ada!!=)
